Enable ConnectIPS Payment
ConnectIPS allows the customers to link their bank account(s) to enable payment processor, fund transfer, and bill payments.
To enable payments through ConnectIPS, you first need to contact ConnectIPS for a merchant account. They will provide you with the following details that you need to configure the payment later
- Merchant ID
- App ID
- App Name
- Key Store file
- Key store password
- Basic Auth Username (used for transaction verification)
- Basic Auth Password (used for transaction verification)
ConnectIPS requires a callback URL that they will redirect to the store. Your URL for Connect IPS callback is [your store domain]/checkout/pay/connect-ips-return. For example if your store is https://www.abc.com, the callback URL will be https://www.abc.com/checkout/pay/connect-ips-return
Once you have this information with you, follow the guide below to enable ConnectIPS
- From the main menu, go to Configuration Click on Payment Methods

- Click on Payment Methods

- Find the section that says Online Gateways and click Add a gateway

- Now find ConnectIPS and click on the Activate button. You will see the configuration popup

- Fill in the forms with the details you have. Upload the keystore file. All fields here are required.
- If you want to enable connectIPS payment right away, check the Enabled checkbox.
- If you want to test payments you can check the Test Mode checkbox. This will cause the payments to go through the ConnectIPS test environment.
- Click Save
Use the Test Mode checkbox with caution if your store is already live. Your customers may try and make a payment while it is still in test mode
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